
Ashley Schwellenbach  Reader. Writer. Editor.

 Captain of sinking ships. Animal lover.

 Vegetarian. Cupcake eater.

 Feminist. Capture the flag aficionado.

 Traveler. Dreamer.

 Ashley’s Resume


  1. Victoria says:

    Wonderful blog!

  2. First reason I *liked* you- Jane Eyre is my fave novel…Second reason- I love cupcakes. ‘Nough said.

    • Thanks! Jane Eyre is my favorite novel as well. It’s become a talisman of sorts for me, and Jane is how I judge all female protagonists in books now, though of course it’s difficult for anyone to measure up. And as for the cupcakes, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like those. You’d have to be crazy not to.

  3. octopusarachnid says:

    So it started with me looking up my last name and I came across you and your book. I will be ordering it off amazon here in a bit and was wondering if you would sign it. I live in SLO also, looking forward to reading your book.

    • Wow! Thanks! I’d be more than happy to sign it! I could meet you at a cafe or something along those lines. And if you wanted to buy it locally, Dr. Cain’s Comic Book Shop on Marsh St. has a couple copies.

      • octopusarachnid says:

        already ordered on amazon, but I would be more than happy to meet you at coffee shop, I like Kreuzberg because of the beer and comfy. I will email you when I receive it.

      • octopusarachnid says:

        received your book, heres my email schwebsweb@yahoo.com. I work nights and my days off are sun mon. Usually sleeping during the day. Going to start reading it today. Have a good day.

      • octopusarachnid says:

        book sign?

  4. Excellent blog

  5. Hi, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please find the details here:

    Cheers! 🙂

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